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wishful wednesday

Helo! Welcome to another Wishful Wednesday 🙂 Bosen nggak sih bermimpi-mimpi? Semoga belom bosen yaaa…

Aku jarang memasukkan buku non-fiksi ke dalam wishlist, tapi buku yang satu ini beneran bikin penasaran. Bukan saja karena ratingnya yang tinggi, tapi juga sering masuk ke dalam berbagai list yang mengulas must-read-books. Termasuk di sini.


suka banget sama cover ini, simpel.

suka banget sama cover ini, simpel.

The Glass Castle merupakan autobiografi Jeanette Walls yang tumbuh besar di keluarga yang tidak biasa. Hidup berpindah-pindah, dengan orang tua yang tidak bisa dibilang konvensional, Jeanette akhirnya berhasil keluar dari kehidupan yang keras dan mencari kesuksesannya sendiri. Sounds too cliche? Kayaknya isinya jauh lebih bagus dari deskripsi sinopsisnya itu deh.

Jeannette Walls grew up with parents whose ideals and stubborn nonconformity were both their curse and their salvation. Rex and Rose Mary Walls had four children. In the beginning, they lived like nomads, moving among Southwest desert towns, camping in the mountains. Rex was a charismatic, brilliant man who, when sober, captured his children’s imagination, teaching them physics, geology, and above all, how to embrace life fearlessly. Rose Mary, who painted and wrote and couldn’t stand the responsibility of providing for her family, called herself an “excitement addict.” Cooking a meal that would be consumed in fifteen minutes had no appeal when she could make a painting that might last forever.

Later, when the money ran out, or the romance of the wandering life faded, the Walls retreated to the dismal West Virginia mining town—and the family—Rex Walls had done everything he could to escape. He drank. He stole the grocery money and disappeared for days. As the dysfunction of the family escalated, Jeannette and her brother and sisters had to fend for themselves, supporting one another as they weathered their parents’ betrayals and, finally, found the resources and will to leave home.

yang ini mengingatkanku sama cover salah satu buku travel indonesia.

yang ini mengingatkanku sama cover salah satu buku travel indonesia.

What is so astonishing about Jeannette Walls is not just that she had the guts and tenacity and intelligence to get out, but that she describes her parents with such deep affection and generosity. Hers is a story of triumph against all odds, but also a tender, moving tale of unconditional love in a family that despite its profound flaws gave her the fiery determination to carve out a successful life on her own terms.

For two decades, Jeannette Walls hid her roots. Now she tells her own story. A regular contributor to MSNBC.com, she lives in New York and Long Island and is married to the writer John Taylor.

Buku ini masih agak susah dicari meski sudah terbit sejak tahun 2006 lalu. Secondhand nya pun masih di atas $10. Semoga saja bisa ketemu dengan harga yang terjangkau 🙂

Apa wishmu minggu ini?

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